Thank you for visiting the Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church website. We are a small, vibrant Orthodox Christian Community of all ages and backgrounds. While we are rich in Orthodox Christian Holy Tradition. Many of our members journeyed to the Orthodox Church from other faith heritages, traditions, and denominations. Our services are conducted primarily in the English language. We welcome all to worship our Lord in the ancient Christian Tradition of the Holy Orthodox Church. Whether you are "on a journey" or just want to visit a local Orthodox Church, you are always welcome to join us for a service.
We also extend a warm welcome to students and professors at the University of Illinois and Eastern Illinois University. We hope you will make Three Hierarchs your spiritual home during your stay.
Social Media
Our parish has a YouTube channel where our Divine Services and Inquirer Sessions are live-streamed. To watch, click below!
We also have a parish Facebook page. Click below to join!
Sunday Divine Services
Orthros - 8:15 am
Divine Liturgy - 9:30 am
Eve of Major Feast - Great Vespers (6:30 pm)
Feast Days (Weekday)
Orthros & Divine Liturgy begin at 8:00am
(Liturgy begins upon conclusion of Orthros Service)
Please click calendar link to see schedule of Feast Day Services
*Approximate Time - Divine Liturgy Always Immediately Follows Orthros on Sundays and Weekdays
Please refer to our parish calendar for weekly and feast day services.
*Holy Mystery of Confession by Appointment*
This Week at
Three Hierarchs
View our full calendar